Очікується, що у заході візьмуть участь понад 500 представників українських підприємств-експортерів, іноземних імпортерів, експертів, а також офіційні посадові особи України та низки зарубіжних країн (програма додається).
За словами організаторів Форуму, він покликаний стати принципово новою українською платформою для ефективного діалогу бізнесу та влади з метою сприяння українському експорту та залучення інвестицій в національну економіку.
Детальна інформація про захід знаходиться на сайті http://exportua-forum.com/en.
The PROGRAM of First National Export Support Forum
(16 – 17 April, 2015)
April 16 (thursday)
9:00 - 10:00 |
Registration of participants |
10:00 –11:30 |
Gala Session with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Mr. Arsenii Iatseniuk «National export support is a common task of business and government» |
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
Topics for discussion
The strategy of the Government of Ukraine in support of national exporter: the measures taken and to be taken in urgent circumstances |
Arsenii Iatseniuk – Prime Minister of Ukraine
Development a ramified system and institutions in Ukraine to support exports: what should be done at the legislative and executive level for its implementation |
Aivaras Abromavičius – Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Chairman of the Committee on economic policy * |
The issues on support of domestic exports by Chambers of Commerce |
Gennadiy Chyzhykov –President of UCCI |
How Ukrainian exporters to become competitive on the EU market in the context of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU |
Jan Tombinski –Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine |
Will an export credit agency be set up in Ukraine? All "pros" and "cons" |
The representative of PwC Ukraine
10 min. |
Speech |
Business representative (General Partner) |
15 – 20 min. |
Questions and discussion |
Moderators: Gennadiy Chyzhykov – President of UCCI |
11:30-12:00 |
Coffee-break |
12:00 –13:30 |
Plenary Session: «Doing Business in Ukraine: what reforms have to be implemented to support domestic exporters and attract investments»
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
* the issue is under processing |
Topics for discussion
Carrying reforms to eliminate administrative, customs, fiscal barriers for the development of export and investment: objectives for 2015
The introduction of import duty: as it appears on investments |
Aivaras Abromavičius – Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Ihor Bilous – Head of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine
Natalie Jaresko – Minister of Finance of Ukraine
Speech |
Leonid Kozachenko – Head of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine |
Speech |
Business representatives (2 persons)* |
Speech |
Representative of the business association* |
Moderator: Тaras Kachka - Acting President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 –16:00 |
Panel Discussion: «The experience of leading countries of the world in supporting domestic exporters. Things that must be known and done in Ukraine» |
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
Topics for discussion
The experience of leading countries of the world in supporting domestic exporters.
Credit - financial institutions of Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, France, China *
Export-credit agency «China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (Sinosure)» (China)*
Moderator: |
16:00 - 16:30 |
Coffee-break |
16:30 –18:00 |
Panel Discussion: “Attracting financial and banking sector to the issues of crediting and insuring national and insuring domestic exporters” |
Round Table: “Modernization and technical re-equipment of domestic enterprises for the promotion of to promote their products onto the EU market: views of Ukrainian and European practitioners”
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
Venue: Conference Hall Coliseum |
Topics for discussion
Tool support for export: export credit organization in Ukraine, the mechanism of subsidizing the rates of interest
Speaker Exim Bank of China |
Modernization and technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises
Modernization and technical re-equipment of food industry |
* the issue is under processing |
Export credit insurance and services range from insurance business
Company "UNIQA"
The introduction of energy efficient and environmentally friendly production - impact on the promotion of the EU market
Presentation of the International exhibition "Expo 2017" (Astana). Mayra Kadyrbekova - Counsellor of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ukraine |
Moderator: |
Moderator |
18:00 –18:30 |
Presentation of Export Supporting Projects of Ukrainian Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
18:30 –19:00 |
Press Conference |
19:00 –21:00 |
Gala Reception for the Forum participants from the organizers |
April 17
8:30 – 9:00 |
Registration of participants |
9:00 – 10:30 |
Panel Discussion: “Export of agricultural products to the countries of the world: the prospects of Ukrainian agrarians and agricultural products’ processors”
Round Table: «Attracting foreign investors to the modernization of Ukrainian infrastructural and industrial objects. Recommendations of successful Ukrainian and foreign entrepreneurs» |
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
Venue: Conference Hall Coliseum |
Topics for discussion |
Topics for discussion |
Moderator: |
Moderator: |
10:30 –11:00 |
Coffee-break |
11:00 –12:30 |
Round Table: “Ukraine-China relations in the context of export and import cooperation”
Round Table: «Ukraine-Africa relations: new horizons of cooperation for domestic exporters»
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
Venue: Conference Hall Coliseum |
. |
Topics for discussion |
Topics for discussion |
Moderator: |
Moderator: |
12:30 –13:00 |
Coffee-break |
13:00 –14:30 |
Panel Discussion: “How to overcome technical barriers for the promotion of domestic products onto world markets (the EU market, markets of the Eurasian Community countries, Turkey, Near East, Asia and Latin America) successfully” |
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
Topics for discussion |
Speakers |
Moderator: |
14:30 –15:00 |
Coffee-break |
15:00 –16:30 |
Panel Discussion (continuation) Issues of licensing, quoting, country of origin determination, establishing authorized economic operators institute in Ukraine. |
Venue: Congress and Exhibition Centre Chamber Plaza |
Topics for discussion |
Speakers |
Moderator: |
16:30 – 16:45 |
Signing agreements with business partners* |
16:45 – 17:00 |
Press Conference on the Forum results |
* the issue is under processing
- See more at: http://exportua-forum.com/en/program#sthash.Xev7voyN.dpuf